£30 per 45 minute treatment
pay for 5 treatments in advance and receive 6
What is indian HEad Massage?
This ‘stress buster’ of a treatment was brought to England by the late Narendra Mehta in the early 80’s. He came to England from India as an osteopath and massage therapist in 1973 but was disappointed to discover that there was nowhere offering head massage such as he had grown up with. He missed the therapeutic effects of this and decided to return to India to develop the treatment now enjoyed by so many people both in treatment rooms and in the work place today. Seven years later, he launched his treatment to great success. I am fortunate to have been trained by Lesley Hart who worked alongside Narendra in the early days and was invited by him to continue his work by training other therapists. This massage is carried out with the client fully clothed and seated in a low backed chair. This means it can be performed anywhere and is therefore ideal for the office as no special equipment is needed. In my treatment room, I have a comfortable chair with a footstool if people wish to use it.
To my mind, describing this therapy as a head massage doesn’t do it justice. It starts with friction movements between the shoulder blades and upper back to help relieve tension and break down knots and nodules. It then moves to the shoulders where techniques help to work out toxins and release tight muscles. After working the arms, soft tissue mobilisation on the neck helps to loosen up this area, which can so often be the place where we hold tension leading to headaches. The scalp contains many nerve endings and by using a combination of soothing and invigorating techniques, clients usually feel more relaxed and mentally alert. Eye strain, a common complaint these days with so many of us using screens for work, is often relieved by slow, rhythmic massage of the temples. Pressure points on the face are worked to help relieve sinus problems and friction massage of the temporal mandibular joint can help with many problems associated with tightness in this area such as headaches and some earaches. The treatment finishes with some energy balancing. This is the part of the treatment where I, as the therapist, and the client enjoy moments of stillness. You do not need to believe in the universal life force, as we in the West may refer to the energy Eastern philosophy associates with Chakras, to be able to appreciate these few moments of calmness in our busy lives. People are sometimes surprised by the strong emotions they feel.
As if all this isn’t enough, at the end of the treatment, you can choose to have a special blend of warm coconut hair oil massaged into your scalp and through your hair. This can soften the skin of the scalp, promote hair growth, slow down hair loss and help create vibrant, shiny hair.